Lakha Manji Lalji Surji

From Khoja Wiki
Lakha Manji Lalji Surji
All Nicknames
  • Lakho
Town of birth
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Business
Kassim Lakha 18531910

Born in Jamnagar

Lakho, better known as Lakha, was a hawker (some Khojas still work with "rekri" carts, selling produce in Kathiawar) and lost his house in one of the terrible famines in India during British Raj See Gujarat Famines & Khoja Migrations for more details.

Reduced to extreme destitution, he wandered from village to village in search of livelihood.

"My great grandfather’s father, Lakha, originated from a village close to Jamnagar in Kathiawad where he was a small cultivator."

The Making of a Diasporic Muslim Family in East Africa by Salim Lakha- Highlight on Location 163-164