Dhalla Ismail Jamal

From Khoja Wiki
Dhalla Ismail Jamal
Date of Death
  • 1890
Place of Death
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Merchant
Where-City or Country

Born in

In Machakos, for example, Adamji produced such a letter when he greeted a Shia Ismaili merchant. "Dhalla Esmail read the letter,” Adamji wrote, “and invited me to sit in the shop. He asked me where my luggage was...he welcomed me and gave me food, and as it was night time he made space in his shop for me to sleep.”38


  1. Mintz-Roth, Misha: KENYA ‘SAMAJ’: INDIAN MERCHANTS, COMMUNITY LIFE, AND URBAN SOCIETY IN COLONIAL EAST AFRICA, C. 1890-1980-A dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements forthe degree of Doctor of Philosophy Baltimore, Maryland May 2019. Academia.edu.Kindle Location 843-845.